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Monday, March 7, 2016

Journal Entry for March 7, 2016

I woke up this morning around 7:45AM.  I had trouble talking because I was sleepy, groggy, and awakened by my son Blake.

Before I had to get ready for work, Blake, Ben, and I spent some quality playtime together.  We had a ball.

I had to get ready for work.  That was the hardest part of my day was leaving the guys behind.

Some of the other hard things I had to do today were administer time out to Ben for his misbehavior, break Ben of his habit of turning on light switches, clean Blake and the floor from his spit ups, and wipe blood from Blake's lip because a toy car tumbled onto his mouth.

When my boys hurt, I hurt with them even more.

I had a smooth day editing at work from 2:30pm to 6pm this afternoon.  I got my media management done before 6:30pm today so that I could eat a good dinner in peace and start my producer training again.

This is also happening:  I'm getting to write some practice scripts at the hands of my executive producer here at the station.  I'm trying to get better at writing so that I can hopefully land a producer or a writer position one day.

Writing is not my greatest strength.  I'm getting it drilled into me to write more coversationally.  I'm trying to get the crux of the story before I can tell it to someone else.  I'm trying to get the crux of the story before I put it out on paper or on screen.  That scares the hell out of me.

I'll be back for more again tomorrow.  I want to thank my beautiful wife for getting me some Zaxby's for dinner tonight.  It's the little things that make this life so grand.  I love you baby!!!!!

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