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Monday, March 21, 2016

Journal Entry for March 21, 2016

I slept pretty well last night.  I got 7.5 hours of nite-nite in bed.  I could have slept even more, but both our sons woke up this morning at 7AM.  My wife alerted me to their state of being awake.  Not only that, she told me that both of them slept in their own cribs all night long.  It was glorious for all of us.

See Below:  Ben had a good old time playing at the indoor playground at Town Center at Cobb.  Ben was running around, sliding, 'riding' inside some cars, and spinning a few wheels.  He got to run around so much, he ran outside the play area a couple of times.  I had to chase him and pick him up.  I had to run and catch him so that he wouldn't venture too far from the play area and into the mall even further.

The best part of our day was seeing the Easter Bunny at the Mall.  The boys were so good in getting their picture taken.  Both my boys were far better dressed than I was.  You don't need to see a picture of me from this day.  No you don't.

We bought some better pictures after they got their pics.  I gave the bunny a high five and a handshake for his good work for the guys.  Thank you Easter Bunny.

Who knows, maybe the bunny will give my boys something special this weekend.

On a good note, I practiced with three sample scripts in this blog.  On a down note, I had a VO and SOT/VO not connect on the Religious Freedom Bill in the 11PM news tonight.  I have to do a better job in changing the beginning of a SOT/VO for next time when I have to do this.

To me, it felt slow in terms of editing news video tonight.  We had a few too many VO and SOT/VO combos in this newscast.  It may have felt fast for the viewer, but it felt too plodding and slow for us to get through.  I'm hoping for a better tomorrow.

Good night everyone.  I'll be back for more on Tuesday.

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