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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Journal Entry for March 10, 2016

I scored!  O.K. maybe not.  Instead, I woke up right at 7AM this morning.  I did it to relieve my wife who was in need of some sleep.  It's not fair that I get the sleep while she has to struggle with a non-sleeping infant.  I commend my wife for tending to Blake when he doesn't know the concept of a clock at this time (no pun intended).

I got my coffee ready and my son Ben's cup of milk ready in the microwave.  I nuked them separately.  Ben was happy to see me (and the milk too).  He didn't fight me on anything and he was in a good mood throughout the morning.

Ben was content with some breakfast.  He had some golden grahams, peaches, and a blueberry granola bar.  I gave him a yummy juicebox to drink.  We got to sit at the breakfast table together.  He didn't finished any of his items, but at the same time he didn't leave the table famished.

Ben and I had a good ride to preschool this morning.  After that I had to go get an emergency Pepsi before moving onto the dentist's office in Kennesaw, GA today.

I had a productive visit to the dentist this morning.  My teeth got clean, and I have a chance to address the chipped tooth on the inside of my mouth at a future visit.

I'm having an O.K. time here at work today.  I got some editing done, and I managed to free up a total of 5 TB worth of space for editing on the News drive.  I felt like I accomplished a few things despite not writing any practice scripts this evening.  I might have one up my sleeve later on tonight.

I'm basking in the glory of drinking some Coke Zero before editing some videos for the 11pm show.

During my downtime, I'm importing some photos and videos from my iPhone to my little flash drive.  After work, I'm going to transfer some video from an old CNN Beta tape into AVID.  Soon after that, I'll upload it to my YouTube page and this blog.  I can't wait to see what I used to edit and how I used to edit.  To be honest, I edited scared and unsure of myself back in 2002.

I say that because I was editing to try to get a new job.  I was editing to play my way out of Feeds over at CNN.  I really, really wanted out of Feeds at the time we were taking in feeds via satellite and recording them on tape.

After watching Virginia trounce Georgia Tech in the ACC Tournament's quarterfinal round, I switched over to the Republican Debate on CNN.  I'm going to switch back and forth between that and the SEC Tournament featuring Georgia and Mississippi State.

It's almost an hour before showtime, and a lot of the 11PM show is not written yet.  I've been spoiled for the past few nights where stuff was written, ready to go, and ready for a co-worker and I to edit.  Not the case tonight.  I had to walk around, go to the bathroom, and get some coffee just to stay awake.  I can't let my mind go on vacation just yet.

I did good to close out the shift.  I have to dub some DVD Airchecks before I leave tonight.

Aloha and I'll be back for more on Friday.


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