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Monday, March 14, 2016

Journal Entry for March 14, 2016

I'm coming off a late night shift here at CBS46 news.  I didn't get off until Midnight last night, so I'm playing a little bit of catch up once again.

I tried to wake Ben up a couple of times, even though I got up just after 8AM again.  It took me a few tries and for my wife and baby son Blake to get up first.

Ben eventually came around, but it wasn't easy.  After he threw his sippy cup a few times, he finally started drinking.  My goal is for him not to have an empty belly.  My next goal is to give him a clean diaper, only I didn't do that until at least 10AM.

I got to see Blake move around even more, crawl around just a bit, stand up on his own two feet for a second, and see him take a couple of tumbles along the way.  He's oh so close to being mobile completely on his own.

There's Blake taking a short break from physical activity.

Today was a challenging day at work.  I didn't have the energy to do any writing or voice samples for the blog and for my development today.  Tomorrow is a new day and I will pray that the Lord will help me find the way to write again.

I've got to catch up on what's on my old beta tape from last century.  I'll put it together for the blog tomorrow.

Good night everyone.

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